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D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C) 3.1.7

D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C) 3.1.7

D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C) Publisher's Description

D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C) is a wireless cardbus featuring the very latest in advanced wireless silicon chip technology including enhanced security to shield and protect your wireless communication from intruders. The DWL-G650 also works with 802.11b standard wireless devices and when used with other D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G products delivers throughput speeds capable of handling heavy data payloads including real-time MPEG video streaming.

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